Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Day at the Zoo

Went to the Zoo with Daddy, Dion and some other Daddy's friends.
I'll post the pictures! But first, let me show you my new pet.

It's a plant! I found this in the pot with the big plant outside my house. Maybe this's just an unwanted grass or something. If you are wondering why the heck did I bring this home? Well.. it has 4 leaves. You know? lucky? Yah that's the reason

Now to the Zoo pictures :

A mousedeer! (I think) The 1st animal I saw at the Zoo.


I don't know what this is...

This is Fake Monkey or something. Why do they call it a "fake"? It looks like monkey to me.

Argh! I can't spell the name. I've called it flamingo for the past 15 years.

Orang Utans. The same species as AhMeng.

My sister

A parrot.

I've zoomed it for you if you can't see it in the previous picture.


What is this? I saw it beside the penguins and just snapped a picture of it. Its HUGE!

You can't disagree with me that this ahpek looks real. but he's a fake.

So is this guy...

And this ahma sitting down holding the fan. The ones beside and behind her are real.


Played this. You must pull yourselves using the rope from one end to another.

This boy solo-ed.

When we were leaving I noticed these two cute kids quarreling on how to pull the ropes. Eventually, they pulled the wrong side.

Some kind of something that get you to the other end when you sit on it.
2 little girls came to play. The younger one (wearing blue) is pulling the older one back when she's stuck halfway.

I tried to take a picture of this pony and he(maybe a she) turned his back on me! :(

This one looks so tired and lonely.

Drowning their faces in lunch.

I like horses!!

The same pony that turned his back on me put his head through the gate, looked at me, (look at the poop on the ground)

turned around, starts poopping,
smelled the poop.....and ate it. That is SO GROSS OMG ! Im never going to touch a pony ever! In this life, next life... how many lifes I have! -_-


I super like the goat with grey coloured horns.

Bunnies cuddling together.

Rats. Cute ones.

How many rats can you see? 2 of course. I pointed them out already. Haha.

Then we went to the elepant show. This elephant's dragging the wet log on shore.

Gripping another log in her mouth.

She would'nt lie down when her trainer asked her too.

All of them are getting up except for the elephant on the left side. She's pretending to be asleep.
At the end of the show.

I thought the mousedeer was chicken drumlets. haha

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